Friday, December 7, 2012

Is A Website All You Need To Show In Search Results?

It would be great if you could just get a website built, and then find it was at the top of the major search engines would it not?

Well sadly many people are miss-sold websites on this often false promise, or they have the perception that just as they have now taken their business online that it will bring in lots of sales and profits. Nothing could be further from the truth, with most cheap websites sold being bought as just that - a website and nothing more.

You may think, "Well a websites all I need is it not?" again sadly you could not be further from the truth. Buying a nice looking website is only about 10% of what you need to become have a successful online business.

So what factors influence where your site ranks in the search engines?

Well you could ask the same question of ten different people and get ten different answers. Why is this? Well each search engine uses its own different algorithms to calculate where your site ranks in relations to others. Indeed it is rumoured that Google uses over 150 different metrics to rank your site. The real kicker is that Google, Bing & Yahoo do not reveal what metrics they use when it comes to Page Ranking (PR), so overall it is somewhat a guessing game, although it is a somewhat educated guessing game, with some key metrics being identified as likely factors in how they rank your site.

So knowing this you should always be wary of someone who can claim to guarantee to get you to the number one position in a search engine, as simply put unless they own the search they cannot make such a guarantee.

So how do you go about increasing your websites ranking in the search engines?

Well you could spend a lot of time yourself researching what to do on the Internet, however a lot of the work is going to have to be done on your actual website so you will need to be working closely with a web designer or web developer capable of carrying out the relevant work on an ongoing basis, and make no mistake keeping your website at the top of the rankings once you have got there requires ongoing effort if you are to stay at the top.

Typically improving your sites web ranking will involve looking at your sites keyword density, headings, and keyword phrases to name but just a few basic items. This is where things can fall down if you have just bought a website from a designer and not a developer, as a developer will be focusing on not just delivering your site, but delivering a website that is going to rank well from day one.

A good web developer will be focused on keeping ahead of the algorithms that search engines use to rank your website.

High rankings in search engines can be achieved and sometimes fairly easily but do not expect it to happen overnight or without effort.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   3 Reasons Quality Content Is Crucial to Your Internet Marketing Plan   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   

Why Should Search Engine Marketing and Optimization Be Considered

Search engine marketing and optimization is a process of modifying an internet page in order to attain privileged standing in search engine outcomes. Only a very slim line separates SEO from spam as the adage goes "Anything in excess is not good". When you try to optimize a web page then do not do it to such an extent that it becomes eligible for search engine abuse. In case your web page is perceived as Spam, it perhaps will be dealt with severely or may even be eliminated from the catalog of search engines. When this happens the web page or even the web- site will not turn up in seeking out effects. It will also not be indexed by a small program called spider.

Factors affecting Search engine marketing and optimization

The optimization of a website can be of 2 distinctive factions and they are as follows:

1. Web-page optimization

2. Web site optimization

Both kinds are interconnected. All aspects within each group should be provided with identical notice to attain proper optimization of the site.

What activities are carried out by SEO marketing company?

Users of the internet normally visit different websites which normally appear on the first page. A page surfacing on the top is only because of SEO carried out by the best marketing company who offer SEO services. SEO is a tactic which formulates popular search engines like Yahoo, Google and various others to find out and grade your site as the one to be always on top. In order for your website to appear on top you will have to obtain the services of the best company which has proved itself in the past by its impressive SEO services.

Sixteen billion online searches every month and abundant social media spots have generated limitless prospects for the businesses to develop substantially. Your challenge lies in the proper utilization of the prospects shrewdly. As a result being placed on the top in the rankings of search engine turn out to be very important to ensure your internet site alters the visitors of your page into customers and leads become sales. Take a decision cleverly and employ the best SEO marketing company so that the strategies of SEO are applied productively.

SEO is a blend of on-site and off-site marketing optimization. This means that alterations are carried out on your site and at the same construct general themed rear links to augment your natural grading. This is done so that any consumer while searching for any products and services will be able to locate your website on top. Since there is a lot of competition in the market every business looks for ways and means to assure that they ensnare a lion's share of the market. You can ensure this by handing over your SEO marketing and optimization work on your page to the best SEO marketing company.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Keyword Article Marketing 101   

Content Writing For SEO Can Change Your Rankings

When we talk about content writing for SEO, we generally refer to a particular form of writing that is structured with the help of relevant keywords or keyword phrases. These keywords are used at a specific density rate and are placed at crucial positions in the entire content. The ranking of your site by the search engines are based on these keywords. So, while writing for the web, one has to be very particular about selecting the keywords. Tools like GoodKeywords or Wordtracker can help you significantly. Since content writing for SEO is determined by the keywords you use, once you choose your keywords, you can search to see how many websites are displayed by search engines when those keywords are typed. This helps you to understand the competition your website will face when you will be writing for the web.

If your site is getting poor ranking from search engines, then improved content writing for SEO is the only means that can change poor rankings of your website. When you are writing for the web, you require to understand the requirements of your target readers. Place yourself in their position and try to frame content that will supply them with relevant and concrete information. Content writing for SEO should engage a conversational tone as that helps in attracting users. When you are writing for the web, a relevant and updated content helps in improving the ranking of your site.

When writing for the web make sure the titles you form include some keywords or keyword phrases. Content writing for SEO is highly benefited by this method. If the title is in bold or bigger fonts are used, it is easily marked by search engines. Thus, when you are writing for the web, a proper and a relevant title can change the ranking of your site.

Content writing for SEO can change your ranking status, if you provide proper link titles and image Alt tags. While writing for the web, this can be quite useful for improving the ranking of your webpage. However, you should be careful to apply the same keyword phrases of the content. Content writing for SEO can either improve your ranking or diminish it. When writing for the web, if the content is overstuffed with general keywords, the search engines penalize your site and it is bound to receive poor ranking. Content writing for SEO can uphold the ranking if the content is fresh, updated and grammatically correct.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   Keyword Article Marketing 101   3 Reasons Quality Content Is Crucial to Your Internet Marketing Plan   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   

Search Engines Categorized

'Search' a word that means a lot than look for. The joke now a day's doing round is about search word in dictionary being replaced by Google. But I think that can happen soon.

Ideally when someone uses the search option for outcomes they are looking to know and respond to a concern. Generally the search engines try their best to give a sufficient and satisfactory outcome. But then there are some queries, that people ask, in which there just isn't enough details to fulfill the person in their pursuit.

Google has tried to deal with this with the moving into the concept of "Universal Search". This is a try to deliver the most appropriate results that the user is looking for a particular concern, regardless of its type (that is it can be an image, a video or any form of data). Earlier the first few search results that came as an outcome for a search were websites. But now with the "Universal search" put into action the top search results can now be a podcast, videos clip on YouTube or even an easy impression.

But, does this approach, offer enough?

Well in order to find an answer to that question I think we should first find out on how the various search engines look for results. Firstly, have you ever observed that often while looking for results for the same query different search engines give you different results? Yes, some of it is because of the methods they use and how the different aspects used in their ratings. Paying interest to these outcomes has given us a design that these search engines follow.

So here's how they move about:


Starting with Google, as it's the most used search engine. It can be no doubt called 'Information Engine'. Google loves Wikipedia and the search outcomes display it clearly. It relies intensely on credibility aspects.


Yahoo can be called as a Social Engine. As most of it outcomes have outcomes from its own or partner sites. Very often Yahoo tries to include things like Yahoo answers into its results.


This is a Product Engine. It almost always has search outcomes for products centered queries not discovered in the other engines. But slowly it is also starting to use more Wikipedia outcomes as their formula matures.


New in to this arena but Ask is sticking strong. It can be names as a Clustering Engine. Its outcomes try to provide you all the nearby details around you. It's slowly but steadily trying to get into the mindshare of America.

As per a recent survey, it was revealed that Google captures a whole lot of 70 % of the search engine traffic, with Yahoo coming second a little far away and Bing was even farther.

Ideally one should not miss out on traffic from any search engine but one must also remember that each search engine has a different way of rating and looking at web-sites. Each website does offer a different piece of details according to your need. What Google may consider important, Yahoo might not consider. But anytime, one has an option or a choice then the ideal suggestion would be to stick to Google, as numbers say it!

I hope you would want to keep this in your consideration when you are not only looking for something, but when you are choosing the key phrase you want to be rated for.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   

What Is Local Search?

Local search is when someone uses the internet to search for a local business. They might do this by using a search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing or a smaller local online directory.

The number of people who do this is so significant that it is vital that local businesses harness these searches to get found ahead of their competition.

In April 2010, Google confirmed that 20% of online searches were for local businesses and this statistic has been increasing quickly with the adoption the Smartphone. That is 100 million searches each day. Smartphones allow people to search for what they want when they want it and the results that are delivered to them are local, making it a very valuable tool for the consumer.

Any business that services a local area or gets a significant amount of their business from their local area and is not advertising effectively on the internet is missing out on a huge amount of potential business. Where people used to 'let their fingers do the walking' with the Yellow Pages, they now use their desktop or smartphone to find the services they need.

For business this is good news!

The cost of reaching potential clients is significantly reduced when harnessing online searches. Where a business in the past would need to fork-out for expensive Yellow Pages advertisements, weekly newspaper adds or overly expensive billboard advertising they can now use a myriad of inexpensive and in some cases free online advertising channels like the Google, Yahoo and Bing maps and places listings.

While some business owners find advertising online a daunting thought, there are many service providers who able to harness the latest channels for businesses at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising methods. These online marketing agencies let business owners concentrate on what they do best and that is running their business and servicing their customers.

The objective of online Local search marketing is to harness these local searches and get customers in the door or on the phone to local businesses.

Mobile Advertising

95% of SMSes get opened, and usually within the first few minutes.

For example, you can have a sign that says Text "offer" to 123 234 to receive a free gift. When someone texts the word to you, you then have their phone number in your database. If you build up a list of phone numbers, then you can SMS them specials and news. When business is slow, then send out an SMS.

Mobile Advertising is something that you may want done in addition to the basic local marketing.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Keyword Article Marketing 101   3 Reasons Quality Content Is Crucial to Your Internet Marketing Plan   

The Use of Search Engine Marketing For Sure Business Success

Online business is just like a game where there are too many players and will make one exert much effort to win and become popular. However, it is not as easy as everyone wishes it to be. There will always be time, efforts and money to sacrifice ad invest when you get into an online business. You should also be prepared to take everything at a higher level since you are up for a big competition among other online businesses. You should always think of being ahead so that you can get more traffic and income as well.

One method that many online businesses make use of is the search engine marketing or SEM. This is the act of making use of different online tools so that a website will rank high in the search engines. Though one will be investing money on this, there is more assurance on the techniques used in SEM as compared to other online marketing methods. Once the techniques are used and applied properly to an online business, the owner of the business can expect income to come in as quickly as they wish. It is just very important that the professional that they will be hiring for it is truly an expert and ca give the best results for the business.

Keyword research is one technique used in SEM. This is the method of searching for keywords that are mostly looked or searched in the internet. By doing this, the contents used for SEM will make use of the most searched keywords related to the business or products being offered in the website. This will also help one know the right keywords to use to attract more traffic to the website. This will then create opportunities for the business to gain profits and have loyal clients.

Another way to do SEM is by PPC or Pay Per Click advertising. Some business people do not really choose this because it will make them pay their clickers. But if you want your website to come in high in the search engines, then this is the best technique to make use of.

If you are not really familiar with this method, you can just hire professionals so that you can expect better results. When working on the success of a business, one cannot afford to make mistakes and waste time and money. By hiring professionals, they can be sure that the techniques done to their business is correct and suitable. Looking for the right company to hire for the search engine marketing methods to use for the business is vital. One needs to make sure that the company they are hiring is reputable and known in this industry. They can make research on the different companies that many online businesses are hiring today. With this, you can somehow be sure to have the results that you want from their services.

There are also other methods that can be used in online marketing. One can simply ask the company they are hiring so that they can choose which method will work best for their business.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   Keyword Article Marketing 101   3 Reasons Quality Content Is Crucial to Your Internet Marketing Plan   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   

Tips to Improve Your Website's Home Page

One of the most important pages to any website is the home page. It is usually the first page that first-time visitors see. To be sure that you're giving people the right first impression, take a look and see whether your website's home page passes the test to keep visitors on your site. Even if your company uses search engine advertising to bring traffic to your website, people will leave if they don't like or don't understand what they see. Here are a few tips to make sure your home page is doing its job - welcoming visitors, not scaring them away.

Purpose You know what your company does. Is it clearly stated on your home page? The purpose of the website or company it represents should be among the first things that people read. Include basic points about what you do and why you're there. Clarify whether you sell, buy, rent or service products, or whether you simply offer information. Make sure visitors to your website can tell what you do when they arrive.

The Basics Take the time to look at your home page's display and see if it answers six basic questions: who, what, when, where, why and how. Some of the answers will be shorter than others. Some can be answered with images or photos to enhance the words. If your home page doesn't answer these questions, you are probably not reaching your audience.

Details The details about a business don't have to be front and center on the home page. You may find there is much to explain. These details can be given on other pages, such as an About Us page, Contact, Services, Registration or other web pages.

Relevancy Make sure that the images and copy on your home page are relevant to what your company does. For example, if you are a plumber, an image of sinks, drains or plumbing equipment would be appropriate. A picture of a dog might not be a great idea, unless he's carrying the plumber's tools in his mouth.

When people visit a website for the first time, they have likely come from search engine results, looking for something in particular. When they don't find it, they will probably leave. Give visitors what they are probably looking for by letting them know what you do and how you can help them. This will not only help you to earn customers, it will help your business grow.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   

The Services One Can Get From Affordable SEO Packages

Most companies these days require search engine optimisation (SEO) services as part of their advertising campaign. Search engine optimisation involves different tasks to ensure your site to remain on top of search results. If you don't know how to use SEO to your advantage, there are companies that offer different SEO packages you can choose from.

Traditional means of promotion like television or radio ads may cost you a fortune. For start-up ventures, it can be difficult to gather funds for these kinds of advertising methods. This is why most businesses go for SEO packages to promote their website.

SEO works with how online users try to look for specific information online. People use search engines everyday to look for topics they want to know more about. Search engines provide a list of links relevant to the keywords you typed in. Those sites that appear on the front page are more likely to receive a huge number of site visitors. To get on the first page, your page must be relevant to the readers.

How do you achieve site relevance?

You can compare it with real life popularity. Before a topic or a person becomes relevant, a number of people have to be talking about it. On the web, different pages should mention your brand or business. The more people place hyperlinks on their own web pages that redirect to your site, the higher visibility you will have. People share their experiences with different products or services through blogs and social networks.

This process of putting direct links back to another page is called link building. This is a technique you can find in different search engine optimisation packages. These deals involve two separate processes to help your website achieve online visibility.

On Page Optimisation

This part involves all the work SEO specialists will do for your site. They will construct your web design in a way it will appeal to more viewers. Web design is crucial in making people visit your site. If people aren't attracted to your site, whether it is because of your web design or your content, they will likely move on to other pages. Adding features to make your site more interesting is a great technique.

SEO specialists will place different keywords on your page so it will match possible searches of users. Everything from titles, meta data and footers will be modified to work well with search engines.

Off page optimisation

This part of SEO packages involves processes done outside your website. This includes article creation, blog posting and link building. Social networks, blogging websites and micro-blogging pages can be helpful in this process. Forums and comment boxes are also good places to set up links pointing back to your site.

These SEO packages differ in price and the amount of work it will cover for your page. Normally, higher priced deals will cover most processes and will receive greater priority. Before you choose a deal, make sure you look into the benefits you can receive from each. You can start at more affordable packages and later on advance to better deals if you are satisfied with the company's services.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   

What Is Search Engine Marketing?

Search engine marketing when done correctly and consistently, can be one of the best ways to promote your site and get both quick and long term traffic. Many people make the mistake of overlooking the importance of creating an effective marketing strategy and implementing that strategy on a regular basis.

This is a situation that can be quickly corrected or avoided so that you are not delaying or even preventing the success of your business. By getting a better understanding of what search engine marketing is and how you can use it, you will be able to use these methods to help you get more traffic to your site and become more profitable.

What Is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is the process of marketing your website, content or business through the use of either free methods, paid methods or a combination of both methods of search engine optimization to increase your rankings in the search engine results pages (SERP's).

Benefits of Search Engine Marketing

Cost Effective - This is demonstrated most notably when using pay per click methods of SEM because you are only charged when your ad is clicked and a user is taken to your website. With this method you are not paying just to have your ad shown, you are only paying when you get a result or a click on your ad.

Increased Traffic - By learning and applying proven SEM methods and techniques you will be able to get more targeted traffic to your site then you would if you were not using these methods.

* Increased Sales - As a result of getting more interested visitors to your site you will have many more opportunities to convert your visitors into paying customers. This is especially true when you implement an email list building strategy as well.

Different Methods of Search Engine Marketing

There are many different tactics and methods that are used for SEM however they tend to fall into one of two categories either Free or Paid methods.

Most Popular Free Method Used

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - This should include both on page and off page optimization. This includes the various different link building methods as well as the many different social media methods as well.

Paid Advertisements - This may include methods such as pay per click, pay per impressions, contextual ad placements and other types of media buys.

How to Use Search Engine Marketing To Get More Traffic to Your Site

You should always plan your level of involvement based on your available budget. This means that if you do not have a big enough budget to pay for ongoing paid advertising then you should start off using only free methods such as SEO, classified ads, and so on. The disadvantage to using only free methods is that they can be very time consuming, provide slow results and yield less targeted traffic to your site.

However with the right amount of persistent effort and patience you can start to get results which will allow you to create a marketing budget. Once you have money to invest in paid advertisement this should be your primary method of marketing.

With paid methods you will be able to automate your marketing efforts which will free you up from doing the entire manual task such as content creation and link building to promote your site. You will also be able to get more highly targeted traffic to your site as well. This in turn will lead to more sales which can provide you with more money to re-invest back into growing your business.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Keyword Article Marketing 101   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   

Increase Your Online Visibility - 3 Strategies To Get Your Business On The First Page Of Google

If you are a business owner, I'm sure you've received the call. You know, the one that lets you know that the caller has a spot reserved for you on the first page of Google.

Well you might be tired of hearing about it and receiving the phone calls but it's important for you to consider that if you AREN'T on the first page of Google for your main keyword then you are invisible to 80% of the ideal customers who are actively looking for your product or service.

That's right, studies indicate that 80% of people now research online before making a buying decision. And the bad news is that if you aren't on that coveted first page most people will not even know that your business exists! And please keep in mind that 60% of people stay on the first page and don't click to the second. (Think about your online research habits.)

And even more bad news... that first page of Google only has space for about 15 businesses. If you aren't there, your competitors are getting all the calls from your potential clients.

Now for the good news. Local search (that's getting your local business to the first page of Google) is still relatively new. Most of the businesses that are on the first page are there by default. This gives you an opening to get your business on the first page thus allowing you to attract new client and increase your profits.

Here's 3 simple strategies that if executed will help your search rankings.

1. Use your main keyword in your URL.

Most business owners are still using their business name as their URL or web address. For example, Fred's Plumbing would be Freds Plumbing dot com.

Instead, be search engine savvy and use your main keyword as your domain name. Instead of freds plumbing dot com use phoenix plumbing dot com or emergency San Diego plumbing dot com or best plumbers in Mobile dot com.

This is because Google ranks websites based on relevancy to the keywords they are analyzing. If someone is searching for a dog groomer in Atlanta and your website is named doggroomeratlanta dot com your site is more "relevant" in Google's eye's than your competitors website with the URL of nancysprettypets dot com.

Added bonus tip....instead of naming your home page "home" name it your keyword also! This gives your site even more relevancy.

2. Make sure your description, title tag and header tags all have your main keyword in them. (Your web designer will know what these mean)

I realize that you may think it's redundant to have the URL be dentist Tucson dot com, the title of your page to be Tucson Dentist your header labeled Tucson dentist and to also have Tucson Dentist in your description.

But believe me, this redundancy is needed to let Google know that YES, this is a website about a dentist in Tucson. No doubts what-so-ever, so rank it on the first page please.

3. Actively create back links to your site.

Back links are web pages that have links leading back to your website. Each back link is viewed as a vote of confidence that Google considers when deciding where to rank your site. Basically it's like a big popularity contest.... the girl with the most votes becomes the prom queen. In the case of ranking websites, the more back links you have pointing towards your site the higher Google will rank you.

Bonus strategy!

I know I said I would talk about 3 strategies but this one is too important to not mention.

Make sure that you have Social Media sharing buttons on your site like Twitter's "tweet this" or the Facebook "like" button.

Google recognizes that the web has gone social and now factors social activity into its ranking algorithm.

A few Facebook likes could mean thousands of dollars to your bottom line if they give your website the extra boost it needs to get first page rankings.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   

How Important Is Local Business Internet Marketing?

If you have a small, medium, or large business and you are trying to effectively create a marketing campaign, it'll be extremely vital for you to learn how important local business marketing can be for your business. Creating exposure and visibility on a local level will be just as, if not more, important than getting clients from outside of your general area. In order to do this, you will need to take certain steps to ensure you will be effective at engaging the customers that are currently in and around your local area.

Market Research

In order to be extremely effective at reaching your local market, you'll need to know exactly what it is they are looking for. There are free tools available that will allow you to perform market research at a local level. You have to find out the type of keywords people are typing into search engines to find products and services that are similar to what it is you provide within your area. You can also use this method to find out how people are finding you on a local level. Once you've found this information, you can then create a local business marketing campaign that utilizes this data.

Content Creation

At this point, you will need to create text, videos, or audio content that incorporates what you've found when you performed your market research using keywords. Whether you are creating article content, videos, or audio messages, it will be important to use these keywords in a way that optimizes your opportunities to reach your clients. When targeting the local market, you will find that zip codes, local addresses, city names, and phone numbers work well to get your audience pointed in the right direction, but to make sure they are relevant, you will need to also incorporate product names, brands, and uses as well.

Content Distribution

Once your content has been successfully created, you will need to distribute this content. For articles - article directories, blogs, forums, and social media sites will work out perfect. For videos you can also submit them to video social networks, blogs, and some video directories using your targeted keywords in your descriptions. For audio, you can use some of the same methods but you can also have these posted on your website, send them through email, or create podcasts feeds and post them in the appropriate places.

Local business marketing is not difficult and can be used to your advantage if you know where to start. The information provided here, although very basic, could be a great starting point when it comes to creating local visibility and exposure for your business.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   

How a Web Marketing Business Can Benefit Your Company

Professional assistance in advertising is something which has always been utilized by business owners as they work with marketing companies or direct advertisers in order to spread brand awareness. As the online environment emerged as a premier business market many smaller companies sought to reduce expenses by avoiding the high cost of professional assistance and try to manage marketing online for themselves. The issue generated was found in the lack of familiarity many individuals had with this market, leading to tremendous advertising waste and the eventual failure of the entrepreneurial efforts. To help define the importance related to the resources of a web marketing business, the following displays three benefits any company can take advantage of.

Benefit One: Low Start-Up Costs

In the past, the utilization of a professional marketer had always been identified as a tremendously expensive investment every successful company must make. Not only did you have to pay the high cost professional, you were also required to invest in the many expensive advertising solutions they had selected for your company. The benefits of utilizing a website marketing consultant is seen with the highly competitive market they work in, helping to drive down costs, as well as the affordable solutions provided by the online environment. These low start-up costs easily justify the investment into a professional so your business opportunities increase with successful advertising.

Benefit Two: Larger Marketing Opportunities

With traditional marketing, investing in a large number of marketing solutions meant spending a lot of money on broad advertising strategies in order to capture a few clients. When looking into the possibilities of online advertising the utilization of multiple forms of advertisement are beneficial since you can access the opportunities of target marketing. The use of a web marketing business will help your company in identifying various areas your clients specifically visit such as websites or social networks. You can then invest in a large market of opportunities so capturing the attention of your clientele is easy, aiding in brand recognition and the generation of sales.

Benefit Three: Speed in Information Changes

Any person familiar with traditional marketing resources recognizes the slow process related to changing advertisements, especially mistakes. When utilizing print or television media change is nearly impossible since newspapers or magazines have already been distributed or visual advertisements have already been dispersed to various networks. With the online environment speed in informational change is swift and almost immediate when utilizing the resources of a website marketing consultant. Advertisements are easily removed and replaced with updated information or advertising mistakes your company wishes to avoid.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   Keyword Article Marketing 101   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   

How To Create A Highly Effective Press Release

In this article I'm going to show you exactly how to go about creating a highly effective press release. Writing a good news release is similar to writing a good article. You can use some of the skills you used in article writing to effectively learn how to write a press release. Although you can use some of your article writing skills to write a press release. Writing a newsworthy release is quite a bit different then writing an article.

When formatting a newsworthy release you must keep in mind you are trying to attract attention from the media as well as news watchers. One of the differences that will separate an article and a news release is that a good release needs to sound newsworthy. If you expect the reader of your press release to click through to your product or website your release will have to sound newsworthy.

The first step to creating a highly effective release is to create a powerful introduction. You want your introduction or title to grab the attention of the reader. Similar to writing an article title you want your release title to stir the reader's interest.

Getting your reader's attention with the title, and maintaining their interest throughout the body of your news release is vital to your success. It's very easy to lose your reader's interest if your press release isn't compelling and interesting. The trick is to get them interested by giving them an interesting headline that will make them stay on your site.

If you promoting a new product or just announcing that you've created, this really cool new website. You need to let your readers know "what's in it for them", how can they benefit from this product or website. Use catchy phrases or words that will stir the reader's interest. Phrases like; "just released, never before available to the public, find out how, or how to finally achieve success".

The body of your newsworthy release should deliver the information that your compelling title promised. It is very similar to article writing, you must support your title. Its how the body of your release is worded that will separate it from article writing. Make sure your release tells your reader where you want them to go, or what you want them to do. If you want the reader to click on to your website sales page you need to keep reminding them as professionally as possible to go to your site.

This can easily be achieved when you have a nice opening, have a set of supportive paragraphs, and you put in your website or product's link whenever possible.When formatting your news release, you want to keep in mind that somebody will be reading it, so don't just keep leading them there and annoying them. Creating a highly effective press release is the best way to finally get your announcement noticed by the media. Press releases can drive targeted traffic to your website. Writing a press release is a skill that is learnable.

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5 Tips to Hire a Content Writer

For businesses and individuals using the Internet as their primary marketing and sales outlet, quality content is vital. You need content for websites, blogs, lenses and article directories. This content is used to drive traffic to your website as well as to provide information and sell your product or service. Hiring a writer to produce that content is the only sure way that you get original, custom written content. Here are 5 tips that will help you hire a quality content writer.

Find the writer: Professional content writers can be found through an Internet search. Feel free to ask other people either in your industry or in your community for recommendations. Once you have located a writer or a few, ask questions. While a good writer doesn't have to be an expert on your product or in your industry, a good content writer should be able to discuss terms such as keyword search or SEO (search engine optimization). Also, a good writer will ask you questions about your business, service or project. Listen to the writer before you hire. Whether you are communicating with the writer via phone, Skype or e-mail, make sure you're listening to or reading what the writer says. If the writer doesn't use correct English or grammar in those communications, can you trust that you're going to get a quality written product that's grammatically correct? If the price is too good to be true, ask yourself (and the writer) why? Good writers will produce custom written quality content for each individual client. It takes time to research the product, research keywords and write that content. That takes time and costs money. Don't just assume that you will get the same quality of writing if you hire the lowest bidder than if you hire the highest bidder. It's worth your while to talk to both the highest and the lowest bidders to determine what the differences are. Hire someone you like. Chances are you may need to hire a writer again or on an ongoing basis. It's easier to work with people you like and can get along with. Before hiring, you might ask yourself whether you would want to work with this person again.

Quality content is important to your online marketing efforts and to your business. Use these 5 tips to help you hire a content writer who will deliver to you the best quality content you could ask for.

(c) Phyllis Q. Edson, March 2012

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How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods

Most businesses found online are entirely ignoring the very affordable marketing methods at our disposal in the real offline world. That is a fact. It's now time for you to bring the offline people straight right to your Internet website. Advertising and marketing offline, utilizing the strategies below is an efficient method to deliver new customers to your Internet website. These time-tested methods have been used in the past to captivate the attention and bring your new customers over the Internet for the primary purpose of checking out your website.

1. Classified Ads I bet you've forgotten these already. Somebody in the offline world needs your product. You need to inform them about your product. With the multitude of publications which have their own targeted set of audiences, this is no miracle that your product will surely find its way to the right customer. No matter what product you're promoting, there is a trade publication out there that will feature it. You create the classified that serenades their interest and invite them over through your website address or URL. Say goodbye to long postal addresses.

2. Press Releases It is day one of your business website. It's also the first day of your online presence. Nobody wants their first launch to be silent one. The entire purpose of launching your business is to let the world know that you're here and serious about providing quality service or products. Let the online and offline realms feel this endeavor of yours. Use the local press to announce the launch of your Internet business website. There are free and paid ways to do this depending on your budget. You just need a noteworthy news angle. Contact your local press and see how you can accomplish this step by step.

3. Business Cards Remember this, the most successful Internet business websites judiciously use a variety of both offline and online strategies to divert more targeted visitors to their site. Whenever you attend social events in your neighborhood, don't forget your business cards. Hand them out courteously to your friends, family members or the ones you met at the social event. There is nothing easier than this. You get the chance to get some suggestions and if they've seen your website already, some constructive criticisms. Just make sure you place the URL of your business on the business card OK? Also, you can place your business cards or flyers on the local community bulletin boards, grocery stores and other suitable locations.

4. Partnership with other offline businesses I know competition can be tough. But I still believe that there are plenty of customers to go around to. Talk to other offline businesses that cater to similar audiences. In exchange, you can tell them that they can place an ad on your website.

5. Sticker Campaign Involve the present members of your website. Hold a contest and whoever sells the most stickers with your URL shall win reward points or special discounts. Members who provide referrals should be given plus points too.

Remember that these offline methods have stood the test of time. They were here before the Internet came. They might have been neglected, but never forgotten. Use them to your advantage. Any Internet business website owner can increase targeted traffic that converts to any website using any one of these offline techniques.

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   

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